Hello and good day to everyone! đź‘‹ We are students from Bachelor of Accountancy at the University of Malaya and we are currently taking GIG1005 Social Engagement. We are conducting a community project called “ The Journey Into Accounting”. Here we shared the knowledge on Job Order Costing. Here is our pre-recorded video youtube link : https://youtu.be/mMjf9blhbkM Feel free to check it out!
Hello and good day to everyone! đź‘‹ We are students from Bachelor of Accountancy at the University of Malaya and we are currently taking GIG1005 Social Engagement. We are conducting a community project called “ The Journey Into Accounting”. Here we shared the knowledge on Process Costing. Process Costing is a method of collecting and assigning manufacturing costs to the unit produced. The method is for identical and mass-produced units. Here is our pre-recorded video youtube link : https://youtu.be/RcAzlB16tR4 Feel free to check it out!